Loma Linda Messages

Loma Linda Messages PG- 220
August 15, 1907 (Organization) MS-75-'07.
Sanitarium, July 29, 1907.
God's Wisdom to be Sought
The Lord has given me a message for the laborers in the S. Calif.
Conferences. The Lord Jesus wants us to believe that He is our Wisdom, and
Sanctification, and Redemption. Influences are appearing among us that are
decidedly opposed to the healthy development of the work which the Lord
would have carried in straight lines.
has instructed me to say to conference presidents and to ministers. Teach
every church in the Conference to look to God for an understanding of
present truth and duty. The Lord has not placed upon presidents or
ministers the responsibilities of the position that He alone, as head of
His church, can occupy. Church and conference organization do not give man
any such responsibility.
Listen to the words of the Saviour, "Come unto Me, all ye
that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke
upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall
find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and My burden is
light." "My sheep hear My voice; and I know them; and they
follow Me. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish;
neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand."
The exercise of authority
has been carried to such extremes that it is now time to call a halt; for
church members are receiving a false education. A mistake has been made
that should be corrected before it is too late. Those who dare to accept
responsibilities that are contrary to the Gospel plan are in a dangerous
place. They need to see its course of action in its true light. Their
permissions and their forbiddings have fostered wrong ideas regarding the
responsibility that individuals should carry, and have led believers to
look to man instead of looking to God.
Brethren, the Lord will bless you in an effort to break up this
wrong influence. Ministers will become weak and unChristlike if they
continue to encourage this kind of work. God is to be the strength and
wisdom of His people. Man power is not to rule the church of Christ.
Change of Heart Needed
The men who have accepted kingly authority need to be converted;
for the self-exaltation they have manifested is dishonoring to God. The
word of God is to be exalted as the rule of faith and practice, for this
word reveals the standard of character we are to reach and teaches us our
duty to love as brethren. Its requirements are to be strictly obeyed. At
this time, when God is calling every man to put away his natural and
cultivated tendencies to wrong, and to rid himself of his preconceived
opinions; at this time, when Satan's influences are coming into our ranks
with such power, God's servants must understand the way of the Lord. The
word of man is fallible, imperfect, unreliable; but the word of the Lord
standeth sure, and is done in truth and uprightness.
The men bearing chief
responsibility on our conference must not seek to embrace too much
authority. I have been shown that men receive ideas from men, and follow
their own judgment and the judgment of their fellows, and that the Lord is
not always their counsellor. The work of setting up erring man to judge
and dictate to their fellows is folly. When men suppose that they must
watch God's laborers, and exercise over them their human judgment the sure
result must be confusion and dishonor to God.
"The sweet Psalmist of Israel said, the Spirit of the Lord
spake by me, and His word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the
Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling
in the fear of God. And He shall be as the light of the morning, when the
sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing
out of the earth by clear shining after rain."
work of judgment has not been given to any minister or conference
president. "Judge not," the Saviour says, "that ye be not
judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in they brother's eye, and
considereth not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to
thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a
beam is in thine own eye."
The God of power and glory, the Strength of Israel, is being
put out of sight by man's glorification of human capabilities. A change
must be brought about. There is no need of so much of man's devising. We
are nearing the close of this earth's history. God says I will overturn,
overturn, until man stands in his appointed place. I am the true Shepherd
of My flock. The voice and judgment of man is not to be the voice (390)
and judgment of My people. Church members are to be educated, line upon
line, and precept upon precept, to look to God for wisdom and counsel.
"As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the
same one to another," the apostle Paul exhorts, "as good
stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as
the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability
which God giveth; that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus
Christ." When the principles of the word of God are brought into the
life practice of the workers, we shall have men of God's appointment.
There are those who, had they placed themselves in a position
where the Spirit of God could lead them, would have been a great help and
blessing to God's people; but they have hindered the work that God
purposed to do through them by taking upon themselves responsibilities
which God never required them to carry. To all who have thus exalted
themselves, I am bidden to say, Let the principles of the word of God find
a place in your work. Let the strong traits of character, that would
eclipse the attributes of mercy
and love and compassion, be put away. Every principle of the word of God
is to stand magnified in the life of the servant of God.
Ellen G. White.
Sanitarium, Calif., Aug. 6, 1907.
August 7, 1907.
Loma Linda Messages -PG-
Sanitarium, Calif., Dec. 6, 1909.
To the Leading Ministers in
Dear Brethren:-
In the night watches of Nov. 22, I seemed to be bearing my
testimony in a meeting where believers and unbelievers were assembled. I
spoke to them in regard to the short work to be done in the earth, and our
need of keeping before the world the evidences that the Lord is in our
midst. This evidence may be given in words of praise and thanksgiving.
Whoso offereth praise glorifieth God." The Lord calls for faithful
witnesses. With our lips and in our works, we should praise Him. As a
people we have received special advantages from the Lord, but we do not
render to Him sincere thanksgiving. Daily His praise should be spoken by
every one of us....
-PG- 463
In may places, and especially in Southern California plans and
methods of labor have been followed that have hindered the Lord's work, so
that those upon whom the Lord has laid special burdens could not do the
work to which they were appointed. In some cases watchers were set to
restrict the work and to hedge up the way of some who were laboring most
earnestly for advancement (of the work. erp, 1960).
Unsanctified plans were laid that worked counter to the plans of
God. All this was greatly displeasing to the Lord, and it was work which
He repudiated. There were cities that might have been entered and a good
work begun, but through lack of faith there developed a counter-working
influence. With unbelief, jealousies arose, and with sacred missionary
enterprises were linked up men who themselves needed to experience the
converting power of God, and to learn to walk humbly before Him.
To those who had kept the way
hedged up, I wrote out the instruction given me, and trusted the result
with the Lord. The burden was heavy, and I feared I should not live to see
the results of my efforts to break the yokes which men were placing upon
their fellow-workers. The Lord presented before me in decided
representations that it would take years to root out the evil resulting
from placing in the hands of finite men the power to (815) hinder and
delay the work of God. Repeated messages of reproof and counsel were
necessary, that capable men whom the Lord had specified as the ones to do
a special work might be set free to follow the light that God was giving.
There were strong men in Southern California who stood decidedly
against the light the Lord was giving His messenger regarding the work to
be done. They were following their own counsel and judgment, and were
imperiling the cause of God. I was instructed that the only way to
counterwork this evil was to have placed in positions of trust men who
would be guided by counsel of the Lord, and who would not be turned aside
by those who were deficient in faith.
The Lord has wrought in a remarkable manner to uphold the messages
sent to correct the strange work that was being done.
evil has been checked, but it has not yet been fully rooted out, and if
there were not a continuation of the messages from the Lord to His people,
the will and ways of men would yet prevail to bring in strife and
contention, and a deformed work would be the result. I was shown that
human power is constantly working to weave itself into the work of God.
This brings in disjointed and inharmonious action. The messages of pure
and unadulterated truth are in danger of being trampled under feet by
self-willed unconverted men who work to destroy confidence in the warnings
that God would speak to the hearts of His people to correct error, and to
encourage righteousness.
A great many of the difficulties that have come into our work in
California and elsewhere have come in through a misunderstanding on the
part of men in official positions concerning their individual
responsibility in the matter of controlling and ruling
their fellow-laborers. Men entrusted with responsibilities have
supposed that their official position embraced very much more than was
ever thought of by those who placed them in office, and serious
difficulties arose as the result.
Simple organization and church order are set forth in the New
Testament Scriptures, and the Lord has ordained these for the unity and
perfection of the church. The man who holds in the church should stand as
a leader, as an adviser and a counselor and helper in carrying the burdens
of the work. He should be a leader in offering thanksgiving to God. But he
is not appointed to order and command the Lord's laborers. The Lord is
over His heritage. He will lead His people if they will be led of the Lord
in the place of assuming a power God has not given them. Let us study the
twelfth and thirteenth chapters of First Corinthians, and the fifteenth
chapter of Acts.
the men carrying responsibilities treat those who labor with them with the
same consideration that they would wish to receive, were they the helpers,
and others the leaders. "All ye are brethren," the Saviour
declares. Position does not give a man kingly authority. The meekness of
Christ is a wonderful lesson given to the fallen world. Learning this
meekness from the great Teacher, the worker will become Christlike.
several years there have been leading men in the Northern California
Conference who exercised an authority which they supposed was theirs by
virtue of their office, to control the work according to their own
disposition and judgment. The work was becoming confused, and the Lord
gave me a message regarding the movements that should be made. Because of
the strange conditions in the conference, Elder Haskell was to be called
to take the presidency.
Elder Haskell and his wife have been engaged in the work for
years, and their faith in the truth and in the Testimonies given by the
Holy Spirit is strong. They have unitedly served according to the Lord's
appointment, and we have sought to sustain them in their work. Conditions
in the churches have changed decidedly, but the Lord has shown me that
some in responsible positions are not yet converted, and without thorough
conversion, they cannot conduct the work in right lines. Some who have
been reproved and warned are not established and settled, and fully
yielded to the guiding power of the Holy Spirit. Satan is not yet fully
cast out of the minds of some, and it would take very little to produce
again the conditions that existed ten years ago.
The cause of God in Oakland, San Francisco, and the surrounding
places needs men of solid Christian character, who fear God and take
counsel of God, or believers will be misled by those who attach themselves
to the work, and who desire to guide and control according to human
judgment and plans. The Lord desires to work through men of clean purposes
and decided experiences, men who will learn from the Testimonies of His
Spirit where they have not been in harmony with the Lord's will, and who
will be converted. Then decided changes will be made. The perils
threatening the work will be seen, conversions will be experienced, and
our people will be preparing to stand firmly and unitedly with God to
build up His kingdom in the earth.
Men who repudiate the teachings of the Spirit of God are not the
proper persons to be placed in offices as leaders in the church. There is
danger that the teachings of men who are not soundly converted may lead
others into by and forbidden paths. In our efforts to secure consecrated
leadership, we may expect to (818) encounter opposition, for the enemy is
seeking through unconverted men in positions of trust to mold the work,
and he has too much at stake lightly to lose their influence.
Many have refused to see and adopt the light, because they would
not humble themselves before God, and be daily converted to Christ. Yet
this must be the experience of all who overcome by the blood of the lamb
and the word of their testimony. When men humble their hearts, and are
daily converted, following the example of the meek and lowly Jesus, then
there is hope that they will become wise in their religious experiences. .
. .
see a crisis before us, and the Lord calls for His workmen to come into
line. Every soul should now stand in a position of deeper, truer
consecration to God, than during the years that are past.
God corrects His people when they are in danger of being corrupted
by those who obey not the truth. I have been charged to stand faithfully
in the position in which the Lord has placed me among His people, that
they might be instructed and counseled.
I have been shown that there are men helping to form committees,
and men filling important positions in the churches, who are
self-righteous, men walking after the counsel of their own hearts. Neither
these self-righteous men nor those who have been influenced to hurt the
work of God, should now be put in places of large responsibility; for the
work of God will be marred by such steps. There are some who will always
be deceived. We are living amid the perils of the last days. Let the Word
of God teach righteousness. Let the chaff be separated from the wheat.
work of Elder Haskell and others who have labored in Oakland and the
nearby places might have been a much greater (819) blessing, had they not
been obliged to meet wrong influences in opposition to the counsels that
God has given to build up and prepare a people for the final conflict that
is before us.
is not in harmony with the plan of God that men who are working counter to
the spirit of the messages that the Lord gives to bless and strengthen His
people, should be given places of large influence in our churches. Such
men are not a help, but a hindrance. Their work is to unsettle minds, and
they sow the seed which will spring up and bear its fruit to make of none
effect the counsels that the Lord has so graciously given to His people.
Excellency of the Soul
We believe fully in church organization, but in nothing that is to
prescribe the precise way in which we must work; for all minds are not
reached by the same methods. Nothing is to be allowed to keep the working
servant of God from his fellow man. The individual believer is to labor
for the individual sinner. Each person has his own lamp to keep burning;
and if the heavenly oil is emptied into these lamps through the golden
pipes, if they empty the golden oil out of themselves, and if it is
received into the vessels which have been emptied of self, and so prepared
to receive the holy oil, that lamp, well supplied with the holy oil, can
to some purpose throw its light on the sinner's path. Very much more light
shines from one such lamp onto the path of the wanderer, than would be
given by a whole torchlight procession got up for parade and show. O, what
a work may be done if we will not stretch ourselves beyond our measure!
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald -DT- 05-09-99